TMJ Anatomy
“The TMJ is a hinge and gliding joint and is the most constantly used joint in the body. The round upper end of the lower jaw, or the movable portion of the joint, is called the condyle; the socket is called the articular fossa. Between the condyle and the fossa is a disk made of cartilage that acts as a cushion to absorb stress and allows the condyle to move easily when the mouth opens and closes”.
TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, it is a small joint in front of the ear where the skull and the lower jaw meet. This joint allows the lower jaw (mandible) to move and function, and is the most flexible and utilised joints in the entire body.” In other words this little, yet resilient joint really gets a workout, mostly during normal everyday events, such as eating, yawning, singing, shouting and talking. Further, the teeth themselves are also important for proper TMJ functioning, because if they don’t fit together properly, stresses can be generated that can displace the condyle and damage the disc, ligaments and muscles.  
For more information on TMJ, visit
http://www.headandneck.com/books |